Abstract submission
The abstract must be prepared using MS Word, and submitted to pcm2018[at]USherbrooke.ca. The format can be downloaded from the following link:
Full paper submission
The full length paper (up to 8 pages) must be prepared using MS Word, and submitted to pcm2018[at]USherbrooke.ca. The format and guidelines can be downloaded from the following links:
Paper - Guidelines
Registration requirement
One of the authors requires to have completed registration by February 23, 2018. If not, the paper will not be published
in the conference proceedings nor the USB stick and the contribution will be removed from the final conference program.
Oral paper presentations last 15 minutes with an additional time of 5 minutes for discussion and questions.
Preparation for the poster
Depending on the number of accepted papers, poster sessions could be planned. Each author is allocated 3 minutes
to present his/her work during the poster session before answering questions in front of his/her poster.